Remembering What I Was Missing

Uncategorized Apr 23, 2020

As I rushed out the door each morning I was missing something….

I was missing the sun making it’s way through my windows, streaming it’s light across the bedroom floor.

I remember now how it feels to pause as I awake and linger in the sweet stillness…just a moment longer.

I was missing the sounds of the wind through the trees and the songs of the birds.

Now I greet each morning with my presence and listen to the birds sing a joyful “hello”

I was missing the inspiring words and actions of everyday people stepping into their courage and shining their light in the world.

I am noticing now how this fills my heart with hope and joy.

It lifts me up and beckons me to step forward into my own courage, so that I too might share my light.

As I went about my busy days I was missing a connection with others and with myself.

But today I remember who I really am and I realize that we are all connected in more ways than we may know.

To our everyday Heros


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